Behavioral health is comprehensive treatment planning in response to emotional, psychological, and behavioral issues. It includes collaboration in regard to medication management, community integration supports, mental health supports and crisis management.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) provides safe and effective strategies to manage behaviors that interfere with daily life.
Positive behavior reinforcement using ABA increases the frequency an individual is likely to demonstrate positive behaviors in the future.
The behavior plan provides safe and effective strategies to manage behaviors that interfere with daily living, relationships and job opportunities.
Over time, replacement strategies are learned, which leads to increased independence and safe community integration.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy focuses on challenging and changing cognitive distortions and behaviors, improving emotional regulation, and the development of personal coping strategies that target solving current problems.
Clients learn to improve their perspective by learning healthy coping strategies, which can have a positive impact on their emotional and behavioral response.
Learning these skills is critical in creating and maintaining personal and professional relationships.
I was bored at home, and I didn’t have anything to do. Now, I come here and work and do different kinds of stuff. - Gavy, TASC Client
Social wellness involves having healthy relationships with friends, family and the community. People with strong social connections respond better to stress, have fewer health issues, maintain a more positive outlook, and healthier lifestyle.
By building a foundation of social skills through training and role-playing it allows one to develop assertiveness skills and become comfortable with who they are in a variety of social situations.

Being financially independent and self-sufficient is significant to many people and their overall sense of health and well-being. The more prepared one is to meet life’s challenges financially, the less stressed they will feel.
Developing financial decision-making skills such as budgeting, saving and prioritizing, can lead to increased confidence and empowerment as one’s financial stability grows.