Useful information for programs, Consumer Service Coordinators (CSCs), employees, and community resources.

The Adult Skills Center (TASC) offers a no-interest loan for clients called the Community Living Assistance & Support Program for use when clients need it most in their lives. Clients can pay back the loan on a flexible schedule with no interest.
Clients can utilize this no-interest loan through TASC when they experience certain life events where they need extra funds to make their goals a reality such as moving into a new home, purchasing medical equipment or essential household items, and paying for higher education.
Accessing this flexible loan allows for clients to achieve their independent living goals while teaching them responsible financial decisions.

Access transportation service is available for any ADA paratransit eligible individual to any location within ¾ of a mile of any fixed bus operated by the Los Angeles County public fixed route bus operators and within ¾ of a mile around METRO Rail stations during the hours that the systems are operational. Service areas are mainly for Los Angeles County, and extends into portions of the surrounding counties of San Bernardino, Orange and Ventura that are served by Los Angeles County Fixed-route bus lines.
Access is a curb-to-curb shared-ride service. It is not cab service, emergency medical or social service transportation, and is not door-to-door or a private transportation service. Access operates on the same schedule as most buses.
Fares are based on the one-way distance traveled with a maximum fare of $3.50 (except to/from and in Antelope and Santa Clarita Valleys). Eligibility for Access is based on the person with a disability's ability to use accessible buses and trains in Los Angeles County, not solely based on the disability, age, or medical diagnosis. It is determined through an in-person Transit Evaluation. For eligibility information and to learn more, go to the Access website.
Access transportation allows for individuals with disabilities to travel into the greater community. The vehicles that Access uses are ADA-compliant and allow for a more personalized service than a public bus.
Access can be used to accomplish daily tasks such as grocery shopping, attending medical appointments or other necessary errands. Additionally, Access provides transportation to explore recreational and social activities.

North Los Angeles County Regional Center (NLACRC) is one of 21 private, non-profit organizations under contract with the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate and provide community-based services to persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (consumers).
The unique regional center system was created by the landmark entitlement legislation called “The Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act, “ or Lanterman Act.
Each regional center is governed by a Board of Trustees of community members that includes consumers, their family members, and other interested individuals.
NLACRC currently serves more than 28,000 individuals, and has supported consumers and their families in the San Fernando, Santa Clarita, and Antelope Valleys for more than 45 years.
TASC is located in North Los Angeles County. Therefore TASC is a part of NLACRC system. NLACRC monitors TASC programs to ensure quality services are provided to all clients.
This is accomplished through the Individual Program Plan (IPP) and Individual Service Plan (ISP) process.

A quick reference guide to our program and service codes for our Consumer Service Coordinator friends.
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