It is our belief that everyone who wants to contribute to the community through paid work can do so. Employment helps one gain a sense of pride and self-satisfaction by reaffirming that they can support themself.
I look forward going to work every single day. - Scott, TASC Client

Creates a positive and inclusive working relationship.
Individuals are placed into paid-internship opportunities with businesses in the community.
All internships are supervised and are limited to one-year. The purpose of the PIP program is to create a positive working relationship between employer and client.
The goal is for continued employment and transition to the Supported Employment program after the initial one-year period.

With Supported Employment, TASC assists clients through the job interview and hiring process.
Supported Employment is a program that places clients in competitive integrated employment.
TASC works in partnership with the Department of Rehabilitation and North Los Angeles County Regional Center so clients can be referred to the program. The clients are placed utilizing the Discovery Process, a person centered and collaborative assessment process that identifies the unique skills each person has.
With Supported Employment, TASC assists clients through the job interview and hiring process. When hired, TASC provides a Job Coach who provides one-to-one training for the job assignment until the client is able to handle the work responsibilities more independently. Job Coaching support decreases over time as the client becomes more independent. This helps promote long-term employment success.

TASC prepares individuals for a variety of workplaces by focusing on prerequisite skills needed no matter what the job entails!
Employment training happens in a variety of settings including classroom style instruction, hands on activities, in vivo practice, and paid-internship placement.