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We envision a future where individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities live fully integrated lives within their community. All people will have opportunities to share in all aspects of a full, productive, healthy, personally meaningful and satisfying life.

Woman and man with disabilities with their coaches on swan pedal boat

Person Centered Thinking focuses on empowering people receiving supports to have positive control over a life they find meaningful. 


The Adult Skills Center (TASC) consults with agencies to transition to HCBS compliance including:

Developing and transitioning to community-based services.

Submitting applications for HCBS compliance funding and implementing the contract.

Conducting the HCBS compliance survey.

Submitting program design amendments and new program designs for community integrated programming.

Developing a successful paid internship program (PIP) and community integrated employment program (CIE) including program design addendum.

Transitioning to Person Centered Thinking practices including staff training.

Transitioning to Professional Crisis Management to facilitate safer community integration.

PCM Association

Person centered crisis management (PCM) training for vendor programs, schools and residential settings. 


PCM training utilizes a combination of written tests and skills-based competency training to ensure each student is empowered with the best tools to support their clients.


TASC instructors create a positive team building learning experience with hands on instruction and situational demonstrations.

Our innovative approaches and desire to help other vendors achieve excellence has become the polestar of our community work. - Alona, Deputy Executive Director  

For more information on Inclusion Consulting,

please contact Alona Yorkshire, M.Ed., BCBA

Man with disabilites getting a haircut from local barbor shop

HCBS Compliance is a considerable transition for many programs.


TASC can help your program meet all requirements with best practices and trainings. 


The official Person Centered Thinking (PCT) training for agencies and staff is offered by a certified instructor of the Learning Community in a two-day, in-person series or an 18-hour Zoom series.


Participants in the training will develop skills in person-centered thinking through a series of discussions, applied stories, and guided exercises. Participants will leave with a foundation for person centered planning practices and the ability to successfully implement in your agency.

PCT training is designed for employees of all levels, as well as people supported and their family members. All training instructors are certified by the Learning Community for Person Centered Practices.

Families report that person centered thinking tools help them think about what is important to their family member and assists them in formulating a plan to access supports and services.

When applied to an organizational setting, person centered thinking becomes a process of building and sustaining an organizational culture rooted in principles of developing employees, encouraging engagement and making decisions that are aligned with values of respect, trust and partnership.

For more information Inclusion Consulting,

please contact Alona Yorkshire, M.Ed., BCBA


We are a passionate and innovative team dedicated to providing the best experience to our clients.  


The Adult Skills Center (TASC) provides innovative and proactive services that empower individuals with diverse intellectual, developmental and mental health needs to achieve their highest level of independence and realize their greatest potential.


The Adult Skills Center (TASC) provides education, job-training and independent living services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. TASC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Make a difference for TASC with a recurring or one-time contribution.


Keep up with the latest news from The Adult Skills Center (TASC) by joining the newsletter. Click the button, below.


The Adult Skills Center

16600 Sherman Way Suite 240

Lake Balboa, CA 91406


Phone: (818) 708-1756

Fax: (818) 996-0035


Department of Developmental Services

Phone: (916) 654-1987

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