It is our belief that everyone who wants to contribute to the community through paid work can do so. Employment helps one gain a sense of pride and self-satisfaction by reaffirming that they can support themself.

Customized Employment (CE) is an employment support strategy that believes every individual has the skills to work in community integrated settings without having to "display job readiness" and helps make the individual find the intersection of skill and interest that makes them a great asset to the right employer.
Discovery is the foundation of CE. it is a proven evidence-based practice that opens doors to employment for people who experience barriers to employment. The Discovery process enables youth and adults with disabilities and others to find a job that is a good fit with an employer who values and needs the talents they have to offer. It is an approach to hiring, retention and return to work that matches a job seeker's strengths, the conditions under which they will be successful and their interests to the needs of an employer. It can bring people from diverse populations, including those with disabilities, into the workforce to contribute their talents to meet critical business needs.
CE utilizes an individualized approach to employment planning and job development — one person at a time and one employer at a time. Because CE jobs are a good fit for the person and the employer, there is greater employee satisfaction and productivity. This results in enhanced retention and profitability for employers.

Our Job Developers proactively market the job seeker's skills to the most appropriate companies and develop community relationships with employers.
The Person-Centered Discovery Process assesses each client’s unique skills and interests to ensure optimal work placement. It includes a development of a vast network of possibilities for each job seeker based on their vocational themes, informational interviews with a variety of employers, and finally the negotiation of the job itself.
I look forward going to work every single day. - Scott, TASC Client

One of our Job Coaches will work along side of a client while they get used to their new work environment for as long as they need.
Job Coaching is one-on-one assistance to support individuals to learn job tasks and helps them navigate interpersonal communications with customers, co-workers and supervisors.
The Job Coach works with employers and co-workers in how to best communicate and support their fellow co-workers with Person-Centered Thinking strategies. Support gradually reduces as the job seeker becomes more comfortable independent.
Employment provides a sense of pride in being able to support oneself and contribute to society.
Individuals also expand their social networks and build new relationships through employment, which provides valuable opportunities to be and feel included.

Mobility Training helps clients navigate the route from their home to their job, and a support specialist navigates the route with them until they feel comfortable navigating it independently.
Depending on the level of support needed, TASC can provide transportation to and from our Paid Internship sites and Mobility Training for individual supported employment.​

The Ticket to Work program (Ticket) offers Social Security beneficiaries with disabilities the choices, opportunities and supports needed to find and keep employment.
Social Security's Ticket program supports career development for Social Security disability beneficiaries age 18 through 64 who want to work. The Ticket program is free and voluntary.
The Ticket program helps people with disabilities progress toward financial independence. Individuals who receive Social Security benefits because of a disability, and are age 18 through 64 probably already qualify for the program.
The Ticket program offers Social Security beneficiaries the supports needed to find and keep employment, increase their earnings through work, and reduce their reliance on cash benefits to the greatest extent possible. The employment service providers are called Employment Networks.
The Ticket program is a good fit for people who want to improve their earning potential and are committed to preparing for long-term success in the workplace.

Microenterprises are community integrated businesses employed entirely by individuals receiving services through TASC.
TASC operates retail companies such as Better World Clothing and the Sunny Spot, as well as a janitorial service and more.
These businesses provide opportunities to develop the skills needed to build a client's confidence with the responsibilities and expectations that come with employment in a supportive person-centered manner.
Are you also able to keep me posted with the next steps for TASC once the governor’s budget is finalized?
ACRE is the Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators, a national membership organization that reviews and approves competency-based training curricula.
ACRE's mission is to advocate through education to improve the quality of employment services and employment outcomes for people with disabilities.
TASC is proudly ACRE certified in Customized Employment Services for People with Disabilities. This means TASC employees are trained and certified to provide customized employment supports and serve those individuals with the most barriers to employment.
TASC is proud to adhere to the highest standards of employment supports which are creative, person-centered, and evidence-based.
Are you also able to keep me posted with the next steps for TASC once the governor’s budget is finalized?